Object detection
This neural networks can detect object on a picture. It is based on yolo v4 model.
List of objects that could be detected is the following:
- person
- bicycle
- car
- motorbike
- aeroplane
- bus
- train
- truck
- boat
- traffic light
- fire hydrant
- stop sign
- parking meter
- bench
- bird
- cat
- dog
- horse
- sheep
- cow
- elephant
- bear
- zebra
- giraffe
- backpack
- umbrella
- handbag
- tie
- suitcase
- frisbee
- skis
- snowboard
- sports ball
- kite
- baseball bat
- baseball glove
- skateboard
- surfboard
- tennis racket
- bottle
- wine glass
- cup
- fork
- knife
- spoon
- bowl
- banana
- apple
- sandwich
- orange
- broccoli
- carrot
- hot dog
- pizza
- donut
- cake
- chair
- sofa
- potted plant
- bed
- dining table
- toilet
- tv monitor
- laptop
- mouse
- remote
- keyboard
- cell phone
- microwave
- oven
- toaster
- sink
- refrigerator
- book
- clock
- vase
- scissors
- teddy bear
- hair drier
- toothbrush
How to install
1) download project / library
2) Install library `python setup.py install
All required packages are installed on your machine. Now you can use neural network. Example of usage is in cli.py file.
To run it use the following script:
`python3 cli.py -i <path to image>`
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