On the night of February 24th Ukraine started to burn. Multiple Ukrainian cities and airports were under heavy bombing from Russian aviation and missіle strikes.
After 2 months of war against Russia the infrastructure was partly ruined or destroyed in multiple cities and villages. We could not stand aside, we initiated the UADamage – Ukraine reconstruction map project!
Our ambition is to automatically consolidate all destruction data on the interactive map: buildings, infrastructure, agriculture, nature and unfortunately, mass people graveyards. Reconstruction map of Mariupol’ is our first and primary goal.
Currently we process satellite photos with the neural networks pipeline examining each building before invasion and nowadays. Our system classifies the damage following the guideline: no visible, minor, major and destroyed damage. Automated classification we transform to geojson format and upload to the interactive map.
UADamage mission is to supply Ukrainian government with necessary and valid data about the full picture of destruction we have right now and, unfortunately, will have after this war. 43,803 buildings analyzed from Mariupol’, the next step is to cover whole Ukraine and provide a complete, transparent picture of the damages to be used for RECONSTRUCTION purposes. Each Ukrainian should have visibility and understanding of our country restoring process and costs tracking: reparations, investments, suppliers, reports.
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